.....Both Of Us in ThiS JoUrNeY oF LiFe.....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 13, 2009

CuTE rEcYcLeD baG.....

When I worked in Kuala Pilah in 2007~2008, 1 of my colleagues always show me booklets & brochure of women’s fashion. I can’t remember the name but it sells everything : from t-shirt to dress for dinner coupled with matching accessories, various type of bags, make-up items and it also has pencil case. I mean, WOW, that’s a lot of things.

I bought a recycle bag from the booklet. It only costs RM 6.90. The 1st thing that STOLE my attention is the design of the bag. It’s T-SHIRT. A T-SHIRT recycle bag. Blue in colour with a Q bear at the left. Since I have never seen this design, I immediately make-up my mind to buy it.

Please have a look at the bag below>>>>>

T-shirT design recycleD baG

cleareR fronT view
This is indeed 1 special bag design.. I haven’t start using it yet. Since the awareness of GOING GREEN has increased recently with the society now starting to use recycle bag, I want to do MY PART TOO!!!Love it and will take gOOd care of it.
Are you HaPPy???(printed on the bag). I wish everyone

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