.....Both Of Us in ThiS JoUrNeY oF LiFe.....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 30, 2010

....random PosT

29th September 2010. Home.Now online-ing. Playing facebook, looking up jobstreet and some blogs. So boring neh…

Daily routine now. Wake up…eat breakfast…Sharp at 9 = open up my notebook and online.
Around 11am, start cooking lunch for family. Finished cooking at 12pm. Then need to fetch Jason and Alice from school. Right after that, must have a noon nap…so tired..dun know why????

Wake up again at 6pm….hanging around here and there…wait for my mum to take back dishes for dinner from catering. 7pm..haha…time for dinner(happY haPPy)..wash the plates..and read my motivational book before I sleep again..

Guess this is my routine again and again until I find a job…
Please…bless me with a job in KL or Kuantan. I really need a job…to survive…money money…I NEED YOU!!!...COMe come come…

See you again…

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