.....Both Of Us in ThiS JoUrNeY oF LiFe.....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Meet uP with MIss Yong...

5th October 2010. A visit to Accurativ factory in Klang. Meet up with Miss Yong.

Took the bus Bulan Restu and arrived Pekeliling at 9.35am. Waited for a few minutes and Miss Yong already arrived. Unexpected is she came together with Mr. Lam (Accurativ Business Manager). Eehhmmm…get to sit in the Volkswagen car for the 1st time, it’s Volkswagen GTi. Quite comfortable actually eventhough the space is not so spacious.

1st stop = Accurativ factory. Quite secluded with 4 Nepalese workers. 2 experienced workers & 2 new workers but all with good working attitude. Miss Yong explained on the company history and job description if I were to join. The area is clean with a good working environment I would say as all basic necessities are provided. I was shown the production area, lab and the warehouse.

After that, went for lunch with them & also Moon Yong at Kogetsu. I can’t remember the place but know that it nearby a golf club. Well, the Japanese food there is AWESOME!!! Can’t take pictures of the food and the place though as not nice for my impression….will look like just came from a small uncivilsed town..haiz…Anyway, do enjoy the food very much..Fried tauhu, tempura, sashimi, green salad, ocha and blah blah blah…YUM YUM!!!

Next stop = One Utama. Just hang around there with Miss Yong only and chat on the offer for me. Very attractive offer for a job in Klang area. And told her about my problem. Well well well…ermmm…

After that, Mr. Lam and Miss Yong sent me back to Pekeliling for 5.30pm bus. Bus left on time and reached Temerloh at around 7.35pm. A tiring day for me.

Dilemma. Crossroads. I hate to make this kind of decision but I have to. It’s part of life. My philosophy is to make the best decision out of two. Ok…gonna need some time…With facts, supports…As decision will have to come out in a week.

This coming few days, I MUST really put my brain into it…Gambateh!!!

That’s all, thanks for reading. Wish me the best of luck.

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