.....Both Of Us in ThiS JoUrNeY oF LiFe.....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Date : 23rd September
Day : Thursday
Location : Vincent’s photocopy shop at Kuantan

As at today, it’s been 3 weeks since I resign from CRG. Now, still jobless. Actually, I’m quite worried on this as I know it’s difficult to survive without income. But still I tell myself not to give up. Life’s hard though…I still look for vacancy in internet sites and even sent my details to hospital and PPD Kuantan. All reply is just, we will call when there is vacancy. But when, we can’t tell. Been to a few interview, as secretary, analyst officer and accounts assistant. Secretary position I will know the result by this week. Analyst officer, this job do quite attract me but upon knowing, I have to go places and ask for details from anyone who walk pass your counter just drag my heart down again. Haih….

And Accounts Assistant, the interviewer said they can’t paid me such a high salary. They can only afford RM 1100 – 1200 as I do not have accounting background. God, please help me!!! What should I do? I do now want to disappoint my parents and at the same time let Vincent and his parents down. The jobs I like I can’t get it here but if the jobs I don’t have experience I need to survive with the low salary. I really wanted to stay at Kuantan. Please, Please…could anyone help me?
Anyone could intro any vacancy jobs in Kuantan for chemist / customer service / teaching?
Todays mood = feel so so sOOO down…..

No mood to blog ..… huh u huuu..

See you again..

P/S : As least now, I can be with Vincent. This is the first step to a further understanding between us. Living with him is just good, GreAT!!!! Currently just love it sooOO musch being with him…

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