.....Both Of Us in ThiS JoUrNeY oF LiFe.....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

~~CuTe bAbY foRm3Rss~~

Question markS on what is BABY FORMER???????

In the rubber glove industry, a FORMER refers to a HAND-SHAPED MOULD. The mould is made to be similar to the human’s hand so that the gloves could be fitted in easily. Actually, there are many types of FORMER, with variable sizes and made of different material. To determine the former is to FIRST determine the usage purpose and which industry it will be utilized. But, most importantly, the gloves should be comfortable to the wearer upon donning and on extended period usage.

I called this BABY FORMER as it is very tiny in size. And I’m not sure if the baby’s hand can put it on. Any baby volunteers to try??? hehe, joking ya..It’s looks sooOOO cuuteeEEE. Seems like the body is tucked in with coloured gloves also in mini size. And there's BLUE colour, my favourites. It’s special as other industry might not have seen this.
That’s why I decided to post it here to share with all of you, my friendssss.
Insight to the baby former, sorry for the blurred photo ya….

Top view (there are black,maroon, green, blue)

Front vi3w
Have a clearer vision now on BABY FORMER????
Hope you all have grasp some general info on it & widen your knowledge.
Enjoy your day….

~~**Life is a long-term learning process**~~

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