.....Both Of Us in ThiS JoUrNeY oF LiFe.....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

pLastiC SpraY signbOarD

Recently, I raised PR for Plastic Spray Signboard. The 3 rooms that needed this are MEETING ROOM, R&D LAB and R&D OFFICE. Me & other staff (Ezana) decided to have a DARK BLUE background with WHITE font. This way, it looks daZZlinG and sPeciaL. SPECIAL, as the combination of colour is different from other department.

Take a look at the plateS(relaxing on table) before it goes hanging at the door >>>>>

To have this plate on the door, just makes me sooOOO happy. Why??? Hehe, coz I’m the one who designed the signboard mar . Firstly, I need to ensure the measurement is right. You know, it will not look nice if it’s TOO BULKY or TOO SMALL (we don’t want to test the eyesight of visitors, right??). Thus, the right size will show standard room IDENTIFICATION without giving much trouble to onlookers. Eventhough, it’s just a small task, being able to complete it is good. Yeah, it’s feels gooOOOd, HaPPy & contented!!!

Hopefully, this neeewww signboard will bring good luck to R&D Dept from now onwards……Come come gOOd LÜck, go go bad luck…hehe =P

Monday, June 29, 2009


A few weeks before I move to another company, my friends gave me a treat. A gathering before I leave.

On 23rd July 2007, Monday ( ~ 2 years back ), we have dinner at Kuala Pilah RestHouse. It is the best place in town(or it’s the ONLY ONE..), I mean with good service, the vicinity is comfy & it’s environmental friendly. For those who wish to stay overnight, there are rooms too & a park just next to it. Suitable for individuals who like to jog.

Below are some pictures I took as memories>>>>

We commence the night with HEINEKEN….whoaaaa….I feel proud coz it’s my 1st time time having H3IN3K3N

m3 holding boTTle oF HEINEKEN…

m3 with a Carlsberg glass filled with H3ineK3n

m3 & MiSS SeE

m3 & MiSS Ng

m3 & WenDy

Twinkle twinkle little staaarrr….… 2 drunk gALs, hehe

the fOur of Us….(Pose 1)
pOse 2

pOse 3

Eeeee, my tongue….

Photo taken with the help of MiSS Ng left Hand

Fruit Cake from w3ndY, MiSS nG, MiSS SeE >>> ALL THE BEST

fruit cake with 8 fingers as toppings

Here is another chocolate cake from my colleagues…

2 celebrations at a time

At this moment, I would like to say thanks lots lots to you all. Thanks for all the help. Thanks 4 all the trouble in giving me a farewell. Thanks 4 all the advices. Thanks for all the concern.

My journey of working life starts here. It’s the beginning that serves like a MARK on my body which will ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED.

Thanks again to all of you….Arigato Gozaimasu…..(^_^)

Friday, June 26, 2009


My 1st job is at Negeri Sembilan. A rubber glove factory located at Kuala Pilah. Here, I’m happy to have known a lot of friends. They are all very good & cooperative. I worked as R&D Chemist.
Let me introduce some of my colleagues >>>>>
  • Jeng Jeng!!! This is Nani Babu Syangtan, a R&D Technician. He is a Nepalese. Working with him is so much fun. Although I’m the boss, he’s the foreign worker, we always have open-minded discussion on any issue. We can just voice out any opinion, never worry arguments will occur. He is a responsible worker & A TRUSTED ONE. Working with him is so much fun as he will always be able to cool down under any stressful projectsss….

This photo is taken at KFC. m3 & WenDy(???) gave him a treat as a token of appreciation for all the hard works all the time.

baBu smiling & finger holding the straw…
  • This is MiSS Fannie, our purchasing officer. She is good in getting good dealsss / offers. You just request anything & she will do her best to help you. She is the one who deals with supplier & the one who issues PO.
faNNi3 & m3
  • The one who search for customers & increase the sales of our product is MiSS Wendy.
    You can easily see her sitting down facing the monitor all the time. But, don’t think it’s easy job, you have to think twice before replying customers e-mail. That’s why, at times, she will be so stressed up. Sometimes, she also “HANTU” a bit coz she CLAIMS she is the PERDANA MENTERI….hehe, joking ya….

m3 & w3ndY

  • Here comes the ASSISTANT PM, or as CLAIM, the BENDAHARI >>> MiSS JamaLiaH.
    Anything regarding shipping, you can just refer to her. Shipping problem is always at her finger-tip, small matter only. Betul tak, Yang Berhormat Dato Bendahari??? (^_^)
m3 & JamaLiaH
  • The P&C DEPT = HR + ACOOUNTS. Any payments problems, just refer to MiSS DaYanG & MiSS RiNa. As for salary issue, I always refer to MiSS EmmA. So, always sssSShhhhh, quiet please….it’s P&C….
From left to right >>> EmmA, m3, RiNa & DaYanG
Also HR is MiSS GugA & m3
  • This is Mr. Sashikumar, Asst. Production Manager. He handles everything from the number of formers, the strippers, to the production run of glove. To ensure gloves produced are of good quality is a BIG task ya…

Mr. Sashi & m3

  • Below pictures is a mix of 3 depts. Encik Amran is a very knowledgable ompounder. You want any compound, just inform him, he will do it for you. Encik Roslan controls the former. He is always ready with figure of the current using former, balance former & formers that wear& tear. Our maintenance dept do a good job by reducing the breakdown of machines, modifying machines, improving wiring around the factory & any other related job.

From left to right >>> Mr. Roslan, m3, ???(he is under maintenance dept, but 4get his name dy) & Mr. Amran

Also under maintenance is Ah Soon. Photos of Ah Soon & wife, Eja.

Other maintenance team member is Mr. Tan Hock Bee

  • Not to be left out is KaK Tham, who supervises the QA Dept. She is very familiar with the QA process from head to toe, quality control to sampling. Make it short, very EXPERIENCED…

m3 & KaK Tham

  • Now, who is the one who plans for production run? Who is it that plan for certain machine to run certain product? HA!!! >>> He is Mr. F@riD... A handsome guy who plans meticulously.....

F@riD & m3…

Very long, huh….don’t worry, that’s all. To those that I did not mention them, I’m sorry coz maybe I forget dy, & some coz I think the pictures are not nice, so I decide not to post it here.

All of you have taught me a lot, guided me with patience & are very generous. To have known you all is a bliss. Thank you very much…Wish you all have greater success in your career & perpetual health……

For me, you all are not only my colleagues, you all are my FRIENDSSssss.
And Fri3nDshiP For3Ver….

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Q piGGy foLdinG fAn

When you all see the title above, I’m sure you all already knew what is this post about, right? =)

I saw this folding fan at a shop called LIVING CABIN at Taiping Sentral (aGAIN!!!) I enter this shop with a window-shopping intention. Just a step inside, I knew I would love all the things available. It is full of teddy bears, photoframes, coin bank, cute lamps & clocks, Q mirrors & etc…. Just the perfect gift shop. Guess I would buy items from this shop as gifts in the near future….

While I browsed through the shops, there are a lot of things that I would like to buy. But, I know I should not spend on those unnecessary items. Being a working lady( I don’t want to be adult, hehe), experiences has thought me to spend wisely. Only purchase THE NECESSATIES, not the UNNECESSARY. DO NOT get trap in those BIG SALES/PROMOTIONS as sometimes further purchased will only make us spend more(the ads will promote this item 20% discount after you bought that item & this will link 1 item to another, in the end, you are left with little money!!!!)

Urghhh!! I want to buy something. Finally, I bought this Q piggy folding fan. Reasons???? You can use it during the blackout = no electricity supply (even fan & air-cond is useless). Besides, weather in Taiping is quite hot these days, so can use it to provide extra air(by manual fanning). Keh Keh Keh, and its cute also. Very cute mar…=P

I like the little piggy with it’s pinky nose & blue holder. It’s body is like the pattern of a cow, with black & white. Milk Milk. MmmOOoooo….

Q miLK milk piGGy folding fAn

wide sPreaD view

It only costs RM 2.00, cheap ya. Come on, nothing is perfect!! (This is contrary to above sentences)At least I manage to reduce my not-so-needed item budget. Thus, when I manage to make myself happy with a lower cost, that’s gooOOd. That’s WISE DECISION…. Be HAPPY as affordable!!!
K33p up the gUUud work!!! (Don’t say I perasan,k…=P)

Wish you all haPPy when see this cute folding faN.....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

bLUe PoUcH

This is one furry(mao mao) pouch that attracts my attention in Taiping Sentral. I always love colours that calms and soothes the feeling/mood. That’s why I love PINK & BLUE. My FAVOURITE COLOUR!!!!Always and FoREEVERR!!!

What I like most is the butterfly…there are 2 butterflies attached to it. One small butterfly at the top of left side & one adult butterfly at right side. The small one has 3 layers of butterfly & the adult has 2 layers with a small oval-shaped bead(i think so..)at centre.

Besides, the “mao mao” is not too much as I dislike anything with too much fur. The pouch itself has 2 compartments. Very convenient. I can use 1 to put my keys&money and the other I can put my handphone inside. I will take good care of it. Hope it can last for yearssss….muacks muacksss =)

Check out the butterfly pouch>>>>>

cUtE GiRLie pOucH

Monday, June 15, 2009

HaPPy weDDing!!

13th June 2009. Malay colleague wedding treat (Kak Nora-QA Supervisor). I was invited but did not attend as I feel I would not be able to tidy up myself (Actually, I’m afraid I would embarrass myself as I go to work in my safety shoe, baggy pants & stain on my shirts). And other colleagues looked pretty and handsome in their own style. So, that’s it, I told myself the next time if I DO have the time to prepare, sure I’ll attend their JAMUAN PERKAHWINAN…..

Not disappointed though, I received bunga telur. One thing I like about malay wedding treat is that, the host will give door gifts to their guests. Example : bunga telur, egg in a mini cute box, durian flavoured dodol in a plastic Tupperware & small sized towel nicely wrapped in gift wrappers together with a small sized wooden basket. These door gifts are usually booked in advance, whereas some will handmade which makes it more meaningful.

Below are pics of bunga telur I manage to capture in my LAB…. As in the photo, it’s yellow gold colour, a colour that the host chose overall ( from their wedding gowns to their bridal suite).

Bunga telur in napping position….(ZZzzzzz…….)

bunga telur STANDing OVATION…. (there are 2 small butterflies attached
on top of the stick with glittering powder on the petals) - who's hand is that???


Monday, June 8, 2009


Holiday!!!!!!Yahooooo!!!!>>>4th to 5th June

My whole family came down to Taiping on Wednesday. Arrived at 1pm. Tired journey….Unable to join them for lunch as already fixed appointments with colleagues to try the “BAH KUT TEH” nearby TMC. They said its very tasty wor….Indeed, the soup is full of herbal ingredients & is not plain.
Will intro to my family later on…

Well, first day. Nothing much happened as everyone is very tired dy….
2nd day. We had breakfast together at one shop in taiping(can’t remember the name). Went to Taiping Sentral then. It’s now the IN place to shop sHOp SHOP….
Then, watch Night At The Museum 2 with Nicole, Alice & Jason…The movie is very very hilarious, suitable for children, and whole family. It’ll make you LOL, especially with the Ben Stiller antics… Tells the story of a nighttime mus3um guard…where everything turns alive.
Night comes again, this time dinner with my Sa Go& family….

Early morning, went down to Grik to visit Si Go & family….Ah Ying & Ah Ping are doing very well in their work. Feel happy for them…Spend the rest of the day watching TV with siblings….
On 6/6/09, went to Pulau Banding at Belum. It’s fantastic and you will feel so calm, reeeelaxx there. With the transparent green sea water, serene view, everything from design, accommodations, is very ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY….the staff called Miss Nida at the receptionist is very friendly, answers all our curiosity with a smiling face too.
A very heart-warming first impression to tourist & visitors.

On 7/6/09, family went back at 9am. =(
They head straight to Temerloh. Will miss them lot lot….Waiting for the next meet up… (^_^)….

sEQueL tO niTriLe SamPLes.....

As mentioned earlier, the trial is on 30&31st of June.
As expected, the glove managed to be produced with some unexpected & expected problemssss. The trial goes on for extra 1 day due to machine breakdown(which is expected).Ding DING!!!!
For the unexpected = the parameter requires to get the weight. Managed to get it through too.
As usual, glove dimension, physical properties, colour observation is monitored. All samples are collected by me as I need to monitor these for 1 whole month. Later, have to come out with report too. Report as a proper document to document all processes.

Record again>>> in BLACK & WHITE….

Monday, June 1, 2009


1st of June. Sad sad Dizzy dizzy….(+_+). I wonder why problems never stop occurring. They continuously occur. But, someone (a lady senior) told me that “there will always be problem, it continuously will, and DON’T EVER WISH that it will stop”. I answered “ WHY? WHY? Y? Y???? (I hope it’ll stop) Problems will only make ppl’s work more difficult, taking their already JAAAMMMED TIME, aaarrghhhh, to solve the problem, and initiate the brainstorming.

Aaaargghhh, damn it, even worse , it occurs at the wrong time. Isn’t it better if happens when u r prepared for it???? Or at least when you are FREE???

The lady senior answered me again… “ Try to think, if there is no problems, consultant of various skills will not exist, they don’t need to. There will be no teachers, doctors, engineers, consultants in the world. As everything is the same lame, old, routined, monotonous….” Nothing NEW, Nothing EXCITING, Nothing INTERESTING, and NO NEW TECH-SAVVY INVENTION!!!!

Back at home, I give a thought. Yeah, you are right…..have to agree with you. Thanks for consoling ya… My mood is still not so good yet, mainly caused by the problems occurred during the production run. Still , I hope for the best. I will try my best as tomorrow’s LAST DAY!!!! (so tension, help help !!!)

Gotta be positive as you never know what may happens tomorrow…HOPE FOR THE BEST…