My 1st job is at Negeri Sembilan. A rubber glove factory located at Kuala Pilah. Here, I’m happy to have known a lot of friends. They are all very good & cooperative. I worked as R&D Chemist.
Let me introduce some of my colleagues >>>>>
Let me introduce some of my colleagues >>>>>
- Jeng Jeng!!! This is Nani Babu Syangtan, a R&D Technician. He is a Nepalese. Working with him is so much fun. Although I’m the boss, he’s the foreign worker, we always have open-minded discussion on any issue. We can just voice out any opinion, never worry arguments will occur. He is a responsible worker & A TRUSTED ONE. Working with him is so much fun as he will always be able to cool down under any stressful projectsss….
- This is MiSS Fannie, our purchasing officer. She is good in getting good dealsss / offers. You just request anything & she will do her best to help you. She is the one who deals with supplier & the one who issues PO.
- The one who search for customers & increase the sales of our product is MiSS Wendy.
You can easily see her sitting down facing the monitor all the time. But, don’t think it’s easy job, you have to think twice before replying customers e-mail. That’s why, at times, she will be so stressed up. Sometimes, she also “HANTU” a bit coz she CLAIMS she is the PERDANA MENTERI….hehe, joking ya….
- Here comes the ASSISTANT PM, or as CLAIM, the BENDAHARI >>> MiSS JamaLiaH.
Anything regarding shipping, you can just refer to her. Shipping problem is always at her finger-tip, small matter only. Betul tak, Yang Berhormat Dato Bendahari??? (^_^)
- The P&C DEPT = HR + ACOOUNTS. Any payments problems, just refer to MiSS DaYanG & MiSS RiNa. As for salary issue, I always refer to MiSS EmmA. So, always sssSShhhhh, quiet please….it’s P&C….
- This is Mr. Sashikumar, Asst. Production Manager. He handles everything from the number of formers, the strippers, to the production run of glove. To ensure gloves produced are of good quality is a BIG task ya…
- Below pictures is a mix of 3 depts. Encik Amran is a very knowledgable ompounder. You want any compound, just inform him, he will do it for you. Encik Roslan controls the former. He is always ready with figure of the current using former, balance former & formers that wear& tear. Our maintenance dept do a good job by reducing the breakdown of machines, modifying machines, improving wiring around the factory & any other related job.
Also under maintenance is Ah Soon. Photos of Ah Soon & wife, Eja.
Other maintenance team member is Mr. Tan Hock Bee
- Not to be left out is KaK Tham, who supervises the QA Dept. She is very familiar with the QA process from head to toe, quality control to sampling. Make it short, very EXPERIENCED…
- Now, who is the one who plans for production run? Who is it that plan for certain machine to run certain product? HA!!! >>> He is Mr. F@riD... A handsome guy who plans meticulously.....
Very long, huh….don’t worry, that’s all. To those that I did not mention them, I’m sorry coz maybe I forget dy, & some coz I think the pictures are not nice, so I decide not to post it here.
All of you have taught me a lot, guided me with patience & are very generous. To have known you all is a bliss. Thank you very much…Wish you all have greater success in your career & perpetual health……
For me, you all are not only my colleagues, you all are my FRIENDSSssss.
And Fri3nDshiP For3Ver….
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